Thursday, 16 June 2016

What's happening at Huddersfield Town Hall?

What's happening at Huddersfield Town Hall?
What's happening at Huddersfield Town Hall?

What's happening at Huddersfield Town Hall?

One of the biggest scaffolding constructions ever seen in Huddersfield is under way.
Contractors are erecting a giant shroud of steel and wood around Huddersfield Town Hall.
It’s to enable essential repair work to get under way on the roof of the historic building, particularly above the concert hall.
But the scaffolding itself, soaring high above the building, is almost a work of art in itself.
The contractors have shaped the scaffolding platforms around the contours of the building.
The essential repairs will mean the major concert hall at Huddersfield Town Hall is closed for 20 weeks.
Kirklees town halls manager David Roche confirmed the work was needed some months ago and said: “It has been established that the roof over the concert hall is in need of essential work to protect the future of the buildings to ensure it stays wind and water tight.

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