3 bed detached house for sale Leymoor Road, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire HD7 - £120,000 Offers over |
This Is Huddersfield Property - 3 bed detached house for sale Leymoor Road, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire HD7
Interested in this property? Call 0161 300 3968 * or Request Details
* Calls to this number will be recorded for quality, compliance and training purposes.
Property features
- Double Glazing
- Central Heating
- Utility and Cellar
- Off Road Parking
Property description
A stunning individual home situated in a desirable location beautifully presented throughout. An excellent prospect for a wide range of buyers. The property comprises basement then to the first floor the property comprises; entrance hall, lounge, kit
Detached Stone Built Property
Three Bedrooms
One Reception Room
Family Bathroom
Off Road Parking
Double Glazed And Central Heated (Where Specified)
Detached Stone Built Property
Three Bedrooms
One Reception Room
Family Bathroom
Off Road Parking
Double Glazed And Central Heated (Where Specified)
No Onward Chain
We highly recommend early viewing as this property is priced relatively low and is likely to generate quite an interest.
Please call us now to book an appointment.
Call Recording
Please note to ensure the highest level of customer service, all calls may be recorded and monitored for training and quality purposes.
Springbok Properties for itself and the Vendors or lessors of properties for whom they act give notice that:
The details shown on this website are a general outline for the guidance of intending purchasers, and do not constitute, nor constitute part of, an offer or contract or sales particulars. All descriptions, dimensions, references to condition and other details are given in good faith and are believed to be correct but any intending purchasers should not rely on them as statements or representations of fact but must satisfy themselves by inspection, searches, survey, enquiries or otherwise as to their correctness. We have not been able to test any of the building service installations and recommend that prospective purchasers arrange for a qualified person to check them before entering into any commitment. Further, any reference to, or use of any part of the properties is not a statement that any necessary planning, building regulations or other consent has been obtained. All photographs shown are indicative and cannot be guaranteed to represent the complete interior scheme or items included in the sale. No person in our employment has any authority to make or give any representation or warranty whatsoever in relation to this property.
To be confirmed by the Vendor's Solicitors
The price given is a marketing price and not an indication of the property's market value. The vendor like any seller is looking to achieve the maximum price possible. Hence, by making an enquiry on this property, you recognise and understand that this property is strictly offers in excess of the marketing price provided.
How to View this Property
Viewing is strictly by appointment please call us now for bookings.
Property info
BasementView original
image: https://lc.zoocdn.com/6efbbd036cd2b600b0613f3d11e5fade085263fd.jpg
Market activity
Last 12 months Any property type
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Average price paid£154,987
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Current average value£163,604(Zoopla Zed-Index)
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Value change£2,225▲ 1.38%What is the current average value of properties in HD7?
The current average value in HD7 in January 2017 is £163,604. This has increased 0.37% from October 2016. Terraced properties sold for a current average value of £120,527 and semi-detached properties valued £170,122. In the past year property prices in HD7 have increased 1.38%. This is according to the current Zoopla estimates.
Property value data/graphs for HD7
Property type | Avg. current value | Avg. £ per sq ft. | Avg. # beds | Avg. £ paid (last 12m) |
Detached | £281,697 | £190 | 3.7 | £275,086 |
Semi-detached | £170,122 | £178 | 3.1 | £160,345 |
Terraced | £120,527 | £144 | 2.6 | £122,830 |
Flats | £121,646 | £149 | 1.8 | £106,199 |
image: http://c.zoocdn.com/dynimgs/graph/market_overview/average_prices/outcode/HD7?primary_brand=zoopla
Current asking prices in HD7
Average: £204,623Property type | 1 bed | 2 beds | 3 beds | 4 beds | 5 beds |
Houses | £77,700 (5) | £117,947 (21) | £172,742 (34) | £308,867 (9) | £568,571 (7) |
Flats | £56,667 (3) | £135,000 (2) | - | - | - |
All | £69,812 (8) | £119,430 (23) | £172,742 (34) | £308,867 (9) | £568,571 (7) |
Current asking rents in HD7
Average: £485 pcmProperty type | 1 bed | 2 beds | 3 beds | 4 beds | 5 beds |
Houses | - | £553 pcm (8) | £444 pcm (2) | - | - |
Flats | £498 pcm (1) | £537 pcm (4) | - | £574 pcm (2) | - |
All | £498 pcm (1) | £548 pcm (12) | £444 pcm (2) | £574 pcm (2) | - |
Fun facts for HD7
Highest value streets | Zed-Index |
Marsden, Huddersfield HD7 | £380,499 |
Slaithwaite, Huddersfield HD7 | £343,693 |
Waters Road | £314,305 |
Blackmoorfoot | £299,898 |
High Lea | £283,183 |
Highest turnover streets | Turnover |
Manchester Road | 63.6% |
Waterside | 45.5% |
Manchester Road | 45.5% |
Deer Hill Drive | 42.9% |
New Street | 42.4% |
What Zoopla users think of Golcar
Overall rating:
- currently 4 stars
Ratings breakdown:
- currently stars
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- currently stars
- currently stars
- currently stars
- currently stars
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Nearby transport
- Slaithwaite (1.8 miles)
- Lockwood (2.2 miles)
- Huddersfield (2.8 miles)
- Leeds Bradford International Airport (17.2 miles)
- Manchester International Airport (26.6 miles)
- Robin Hood Airport (36.7 miles)
- Liverpool Belfast Ferry Terminal Bootle (49.4 miles)
- Liverpool Pier Head Ferry Terminal (49.9 miles)
- Liverpool Isle of Man & Dublin Terminal (49.9 miles)
Nearby schools
View all schools in Kirklees- St John's Church of England Voluntary Aided Junior and Infant School (0.1 miles)
- Beech Primary School (0.3 miles)
- Golcar Junior Infant and Nursery School (0.3 miles)
- Huddersfield New College (0.9 miles)
- Edgerton College (2.2 miles)
- Marc Lindsay Sports College (2.4 miles)
- Salendine Nook High School (0.9 miles)
- Salendine Nook Academy Trust (0.9 miles)
- Colne Valley High School (1.4 miles)
Note: Distances are straight line measurements
Local info for Kirklees
About the neighbours in HD7
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For more information about this property, please contact
Springbok Properties, Nationwide, M12 on 0161 300 3968 * (local rate)
Springbok Properties, Nationwide, M12 on 0161 300 3968 * (local rate)
Read more at http://www.zoopla.co.uk/for-sale/details/42794523#iuouwKHXx0iJ74Vt.99
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